  • 期刊


Development of the Small Strain Triaxial Test on Soils and Its Application




小應變 三軸試驗 勁度 局部應變


The strain of soils measured by the conventional triaxial apparatus can at best reach the value as small as 0.1~0.05%, beyond which is out of the functional limitation in the triaxial apparatus. The fact also limits the development of soil models and the selection of soil parameters. More and more field observation data, however, showed that soil strains induced by construction were mostly less than 0.05% except those within the stress concentration zone near the construction site. Accordingly, over the last twenty years, international geotechnical engineering circles have been devoted to developing small strain tests, including the improvement of the triaxial apparatus and the development of small strain instruments. Researchers thus gradually recognize the importance of the small strain behavior of soils, which deeply influences the development of later advanced soil models. This paper introduces the development of small strain triaxial tests in detail and its application to developing the soil models and the analysis of engineering behavior.


small strain triaxial test stiffness local strain


Huang, K. H. (2017). 澎湖鈣質砂土臨界狀態參數與最大剪力模數之探討 [master's thesis, National Taiwan University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU201703755
