  • 期刊


The Acceptability of Color Mismatch on Reproducing Bedding Images


隨著社會的進步,選擇採用虛擬通路購物的人數直線上升,虛擬通路利用電視、型錄、手機及網路等媒體讓顧客瀏覽產品樣式,但因虛擬通路購物並無法親眼目睹實體商品,故對於商品的材質、顏色等外表特徵,常會造成認知上的誤差。尤其是顏色部分,因為顧客的影像顯示設備條件不一,無法正確表現商品的色彩,因此顏色的誤差常是造成退貨的主要因素。本研究針對色彩品管要求較高的寢具用品進行色彩三屬性(明度、彩度、色相)的色差容許範圍測試,經由居住於大台北地區並曾經購買過寢具用品的30位觀測者,以電腦互動介面進行色差容許範圍實驗,獲致以下結論: 1.受測者對寢具影像gamma值調暗的容許範圍較大,而對gamma值調亮的容許範圍較小。 2.受測者對於提升彩度的容許範圍較大,而對降低彩度的容許範圍較小。 3.受測者對於逆時針或順時針調整色相容許範圍沒有顯著差異。 4.男生與女生的色差容許範圍沒有顯著差異。不同顏色的色差容許範圍略有不同。 5.明度、彩度、色相的色差容忍比率,大約是6:3:2。 本研究據此設計了寢具專用色差公式,有助於寢具產品的色彩品質管制。


gamma值 明度 彩度 色相


Recent years, more and more people choose virtual routes for shopping. The virtual routes present product appearance by means of TV, brochure, cell phone and Internet. However, customers cannot see real products directly and therefore their material and color are frequently different from customers’ imagination. Color mismatch is the primary reason that customers ask for refund. Hence, there is a need to investigate the tolerance of the color mismatch. The present study focuses on the acceptability of color mismatch on bedding and pillows. We designed a graphic tool to collect visual color tolerance data by perturbing image colors and asking observers to assign the threshold of color tolerance. The results of the psychophysical visual experiment are: 1. Positive image gamma has higher visual tolerance than that of negative image gamma. 2. Increasing chroma is more acceptable than decreasing chroma. 3. The acceptability of anti-clockwise and clockwise hue adjustment has no significant difference. 4. No significant difference between the thresholds of male and female. 5. The tolerance of color difference on lightness (dL(superscript *)), chroma (dC(superscript *)) and hue (dH(superscript *)) is proportion to 6:3:2. A bedding and pillow specified color difference formula was derived from the above finding. It would be useful for color quality control on bedding and pillow products




ICC(2001).Specification ICC.1: 2001-04-File Format for Color Profiles.International Color Consortium.
Luo M. R.,Cui, G.,Rigg, B.(2001).The Development of the CIE 2000 Colour-Difference Formula: CIEDE2000.Color Research and Application.26(5),340-350.
