  • 期刊

Raising Corporate Social Responsibility by Green Strategy



在企業社會責任的議題中,企業的環境責任不斷的被強調,國際間的綠色思潮對企業的營運以及發展影響深遠。世界重要經濟貿易區域不斷利用綠色思潮築起綠色貿易壁壘,綠色管理成爲企業爭奪世界市場的技術性手段。 對企業而言,綠色策略不僅是法規上受迫性的規範,優秀的企業將綠色策略視爲公司強化優勢的政策,不僅強化企業實力,降低風險,同時塑造企業品牌形象的差異與品牌鮮明性。 本研究透過著名國際化企業的訪談與文獻研究,擷取企業實務經驗,架構出企業綠色策略選用架構。說明企業進行綠色設計策略之利益、動機、影響內部階層與實際作法的差異。透過消費者問卷,量化研究消費者對於企業綠色行爲塑造企業形象之影響,建構出適合不同目的之綠色策略。


Among the many issues of corporate social responsibility, the environmental responsibility on enterprises is continuously emphasized. Increasingly business operation and development is affected by the rising tide of expectation over green consumption in the global society. Some regional economic areas take advantage of this expectation and use it to build trade barriers which affect the market competition of industries. Green strategies are not legal negative enactments for all enterprises. Successful international enterprises believe green policies help to strengthen enterprise superiority. They believe they not only consolidate enterprise actual strength, reduce future risk, but also represent the difference in regard to corporate image and brand distinction. This thesis plans to combine the theory and reality. The objective is to build up a green strategy structure explaining corporate benefit, motive, required company internal resources and execution method. Further, consumer quantification questionnaires will be conducted to construct several corporate image strategies elucidating how green strategy implementation affects the perception of enterprises in the eyes of consumers. This thesis plans to identify corporate green strategy methodology: combining motive, corporate reaction, strategy process, green strategy correlation, implementation and the innovation level in enterprises. And five basic green image factors: (social responsibility image, technique image, market image, leader image, authenticity image) are judged or assorted by consumer comprehension of corporate green behavior. Green strategy in different innovation level result in different corporate image: this thesis explains diverse green strategy actions in four innovation levels bringing about the corporate image diverseness


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