  • 期刊


A Rhetorical Analysis of Mainland Spouses' Ethnic Media in Taiwan: A Case Study of the Mainland and Taiwan Family Forum




In Taiwan, cross-strait marriages suffer from social structural oppression by the host society. The transborder marriage is considered as a form of population migration, which contains the complex context of cross-strait relationships. The resulting stereotypes are early commodified transnational marriages, the discrimination of female social labor divisions, and the suspicion of threats to the national security of Taiwan. The study analyzed the rhetorical themes and visions in the debate in the Mainland and Taiwan Family Forum about "whether the time limit for obtaining a Taiwanese ID card would be reduced from six years to four years." This issue concerns the human rights of mainland spouses as discussed in the ethnic media in Taiwan. The findings revealed that the users of ethnic media constructed a common rhetorical reality, which indicated the mainland the spouses' accurate perceptions about their situation in the population wave of globalization, their positive attitude to finding a solution to the predicament, and the use of a strategy to contend social structure and achieve self-empowerment by means of the ethnic media.
