

INTRODUCTION: Operating room nurses are very busy, and they need to take care of patients carefully, and also need to take into account pressure injuries caused by factors such as surgical positioning, long operation time, and prolonged uncompressed pressure areas. Due to the safety of patients in recent years With the rise of consciousness, the pressure injury rate in this operating room has gradually increased, which has led to a sudden increase in the psychological burden on the nurses in clinical care, which has led to the author's motivation to improve. OBJECTIVES: Focusing on operating room nurses, root cause analysis is used to improve the problem of surgical pressure injury, thereby reducing the psychological burden on nurses in clinical care and reducing the incidence of surgical pressure injury to less than 0.34%. METHODS: Using the TRM method, set up a quality control circle team to jointly formulate pressure injury risk operation standards and set up checklists, regularly hold surgical pressure injury related education and training, purchase pressure injury prevention dressings, and add pressure injury prevention surgery. Use decompression mattresses, establish various surgical positioning standards and use guidelines for fat pad accessories, and monitor the use status while colleagues are operating. When there are unexpected special situations, discuss emerging problems with colleagues and quickly solve problems improve. RESULTS: From June to December 2021, the incidence of pressure injury in the operating room ranged from 0.68% to 0.31%. CONCLUSION: Operating room nurses play a very important role in the prevention of surgical pressure injuries. During the implementation process, we develop a standard checklist for surgical pressure injury risk operations, so that medical teams can have standards to follow, enhance their vigilance against pressure injuries, and highlight the nursing profession. It can also effectively reduce the uncertainty caused by the unfamiliarity of new colleagues with pressure injury assessment, and ensure that patients receive good quality of care. The results of this study can be parallelized to other disciplines, including clinical nursing and professional roles, and this study can provide clinical nursing staff with a reference to reduce the occurrence of surgical pressure injuries.


