  • 期刊


A Nostalgic Trajectory at the Other Time: The Comparison Between Tong Wei-Ge's North-West Rain and Lin Jun-Ying's The Nostalgia That Dare Not Speak Its Name


賡續上世紀末鄉土題材,二十一世紀伊始,鄉土書寫已擴大地理座標,將城市素材納入,其中童偉格《西北雨》(2010)、林俊頴《我不可告人的鄉愁》(2011)返復城/鄉、歷史/現代空間,有諸多共鳴因子足以辨識互證,值得關注的是,兩部小說人物出入虛/實召喚記憶回應鄉愁,打造了一條「另類時間」(the other time)通道,而被喚生的記憶,喻意了非現世的存在,遙相呼應美籍俄裔學者博伊姆(Svetlana Boym)The Future of Nostalgia(2001)聚焦全球化、賽博空間位移,發展出「地方不只是被超越,而且被虛擬化」觀點。但地方無論如何虛擬化,世人仍有個渴望回到的原鄉,如何回到?回到哪裡?依靠什麼路徑?解除「鄉愁」的地理綑綁,博伊姆擴大「懷舊通常多被認為是種思鄉的情緒」內涵,將數位虛擬空間代入,包容「懷舊」、「鄉愁」詞語互代,多義詮釋鄉土空間,延伸納博可夫、布羅茨基不返或難返的古典鄉愁姿態,為現代鄉愁虛擬化提供「一種生存的策略,一種發現不可能返鄉之意義的途徑」新視野。本文在博伊姆鄉愁/懷舊理論基礎上,比較童偉格《西北雨》、林俊頴《我不可告人的鄉愁》另類時間下的(不)返鄉路徑,論證兩部作品借道時間/空間、城/鄉、安娜琪/安那其等路徑,終抵於在世存有的內核:靈魂怎麼寫。


Since the beginning of the 21^(st) century, Taiwan nativist literature has expended geographical coordinates to incorporate urban issues, especially Tong Wei-Ge's North-West Rain and Lin Jun-Ying's The Nostalgia That Dare not Speak its Name retains resonance factors that can be identified, such as urban and village, historic and modern space. Particularly, among those characters are in between authentic and illusionary, whence to recall memories to respond nostalgic trajectory, by so doing, it is to build a passage of "the other time", and the memories that being re-called figurative a non-mundane existence. The Russian-American scholar Svetlana Boym claims that in the face of globalization and cyborg interfaces human with technology, "place associated with spatiality is not only transgressed but also virtualized." But no matter how virtualized a place is, human beings cannot but need somewhere to return. Instead of merely referring to the myth of homesickness (how, where, and in which way we return), this study conducts Boym's idea of nostalgia which shares similar sentiments of homesickness and expands to nostalgic spaces. The visual imagination of the physical attributes of city ruins and building sites serves as a critique of globalization. To Boym, nostalgia provides "a survival strategy or a trajectory of finding meanings in the impossibility of homecoming" to those leaving or unable to return to hometown. By taking Boym's redefinition of nostalgia, this study reads how Tong's and Lin's works call forth homesick memories through a lens of nostalgia. A trajectory of "the other time" is argued to be built upon a non-worldly temporality of memories, allowing us to go back and forth between past and now, country and city, the path of Anarchism brings us to the core of the being in the world: how to write your soul.


杜威•德拉埃斯瑪著,謝樹寬譯,《懷舊製造所:記憶、時間與老去的抒情三重奏》(台北:漫遊者文化,2016 年)。
林俊穎,《我不可告人的鄉愁》(新北:印刻,2011 年)。
約翰•柏格(John Berger)著,吳莉君譯,《觀看的方式》(台北:麥田出版,2005 年)。
格肖姆•肖勒姆(Gerhard Scholem)著,朱劉華譯,《班雅明─一個友誼的故事》(上海:上海譯文,2009 年)。
斯維特蘭娜•博伊姆(Svetlana Boym)著,楊德友譯,《懷舊的未來》(南京:譯林出版社,2010 年)
