  • 期刊


Memories of Atayal Lidongshan Incident in Jianshi in Print Media


發生於1910年到1912年的李崠山事件(Tapung事件),迄今已逾110年。該事件泛指1911年8月到1913年9月期間,台灣總督府從攻占李崠山到鎮壓卡奧灣(Goagan)、馬里光後山群(Mrqwang)、基那吉群(Mknazi)乃至霞喀羅群(Skaru)的一系列討伐。這個強烈衝擊北泰雅族和尖石地域社會的事件,泰雅族人長期無法掌握該事件的話語權與記述條件。在地域振興的需求下,挖掘與李崠山事件有關的文化記錄,釐清記憶層位(Memory Horizons),逆讀並重新結構它與尖石泰雅族集體記憶的關係,是必要的工作。本文嘗試以李崠山事件為中心,整理風景明信片(絵はがき)、報導文學作品、報紙討伐新聞、理蕃人員記事、後代耆老口述,分析尖石鄉泰雅族重大歷史事件在不同時期印刷媒介上的再現,透過梳理李崠山集體記憶的層位與樣態,盼望挖掘和釋放更多底層記憶。首先,從二○年代以尖石後山馬里光群、基那吉群人物為主題的風景明信片開始,揭開地方被壓抑與被凝視的歷史。其次,透過報導文學作品,揭示七○年代漢族作家關切山區原住民議題時,如何看待Tapung事件的影響,記錄了哪些戰爭記憶和反抗記憶,這些當地人的記憶具有什麼價值。最後,將尖石鄉耆老在2000年後的口述回憶,比對《理蕃誌稿》裡日本討伐警察隊員的回顧,指出李崠山事件乃係山地戰爭的本質。


Lidongshan Incident (Tapung Incident), which happened from 1910 to 1912, has passed for more than 110 years. This incident generally refers to a series of crusades occurring from August 1911 to September 1913 from the Government-General of Taiwan's occupation of Lidongshan to its suppression of Goagan, Mrqwang, Mknazi, and even Skaru. Although this Incident had a strong impact on the social development of the Northern Atayal and Jianshi Region, the Atayal people could not control the right to speak or narrate the Incident for decades. Under the requirements of regional development, it is necessary and fundamental to organize literary writings regarding Lidongshan Incident, excavating memories in the first layer and re-structuring its relation with the related collective memories of the Atayal people in Jianshi. Centered on Lidongshan Incident, this paper organizes how various texts, including landscape postcards (ehagaki), reportage, news, official documents, and oral lore from the tribe seniors, represent the significant historical incident for the Atayal, and scrutinizes how they had become each layer of the collective memories regarding the Atayal Lidongshan Incident in Jianshi to further release more bottom layer memories. First, the paper will begin with the landscape postcards focusing on the people of Mrqwang and Mknazi in the 1920s to expose the suppressed and gazed local history. Next, through reportage, it will disclose how the Han Chinese writers in the 1970s perceive the incident's aftermaths when considering mountain area indigenous people issues. How their works record the memories of war and resistance and embed what values in the locals' memories. Finally, to point out the nature of the Lidongshan Incident is mountain warfare, the text will compare the memories of the tribal seniors in Jianshi regarding the Incident after A.D. 2000 with the Japanese police's review in the Journal of Ruling the Indigenous People.


やまと新聞台灣支局編,《台灣週遊概要》(台北:成文,1985 年複刻本,1927年出版)。
二松啟紀著,郭清華譯,《繪葉書中的大日本帝國》(台北:麥田,2020 年)。
井上伊之助,《生蕃記》(東京:警醒社書店,1926 年)。
日本旅行協會台灣支部編,《台灣鐵道旅行案內•昭和十四年版》(台北:日本旅行協會台灣支部,1939 年)。
古蒙仁,《黑色的部落》(台北:時報文化,1978 年)。
