  • 期刊


Analysis of Taiwan Broadcasting Radio Station and E-commerce Website Cooperation policy: As the example of BCC & INTW


台灣廣播電台面臨新媒體衝擊與數位匯流發展,紛紛以跨平台或 跨產業聯盟合作的方式找回市場利基。一般來說,大功率電台較常見與入口網站、電信廠商等策略合作,而本研究選擇觀察的大功率電台──中廣公司與好物市集購物網站的策略合作是國內較少見的新形態聯盟。本研究透過訪談法進行資料蒐集,研究發現從策略聯盟的動機論,中廣公司與好物市集的合作動機與一般企業聯盟最重視的互補性資源交換並無不同,雙方都希望藉由資源交換創造商機。從策略聯盟目的論,中廣公司與好物市集合作目的如擴展經濟規模、增加廣告收入或銷售量或提高收聽率等,合作至今確實明顯達到階段性目標。而以策略聯盟風險論,本研究發現由於中廣公司與好物市集的合作模式是屬於較少見的媒體策略聯盟類型,無先例可參考,雙方每個合作步驟都是創新,自然面臨較高的失敗風險,不過雙方合作是建立在對彼此企業經營理念認同的前提,認同感減低了不信任感,對於減緩合作風險有正面幫助。研究也發現中廣公司與好物市集的策略合作型態,至今還未能建立較穩定的商業合作模式內容,面對變化快速的市場環境,雙方策略合作的問題在於缺乏共同應變的反應機制,經常也因此造成彼此在溝通上發生衝突,也是後續合作較急迫需克服的問題。


The rising of New Media has formed impact to Taiwan's radio station business. They have to find cross-industry alliance to overcome the tough market situation. As broadcasting media, they usually cooperate with telecom firms and portal websites, rarely cooperating with Ecommerce Website. Our research targets are BCC Radio Station (Broadcasting Corporation of China 中廣公司) & INTW (好物市集) Online Shopping Website, which will be a new method of strategic cooperating. We do interviews for data collections and some strategic cooperative documents review. The study finds out that the motivations for both sides to cooperate are different from the normal strategic alliance which is mainly for resources exchanging. This new method of strategic cooperation relies more on the agreement of business philosophy, management style, and also the bonus effect after cooperating from both sides. The goal of both sides (BCC & INTW) is similar as other enterprise alliance, such as expanding scale of economies and increasing income, and they already hit the goal. But we have no previous case to refer. This might cause a higher risk to fail running the new method. Fortunately, BCC & INTW make a good trust with other, both helping to solve the risk of cooperation. This new method of strategic cooperation already brings positive results but its business cooperation model is still in adjustment. The fast changing online market environment also raises the problem of communication, which needs to do follow-up studies in the future.


王宗松(2011)。閱聽人網路廣播電視台IPTV 之收聽行為與電子商務關聯討。工程科技與教育月刊。8(1),192-199。
