  • 期刊


Examining the Impact of the 31 Taiwan-Related Measures on Public Opinion in Taiwan: A Corpus-Based Analysis




This study aims to decode the features of Mainland China's united front work against Taiwan embodied in "the 31 Taiwan-Related Measures" through the corpus-based analysis approach. To do so, the study examined the development of Xi Jinping's united front work strategies and then employed CORPRO, a Chinese language corpus-based social science software tool, to analyze news texts and public opinion of the 31 measures on news websites and social media for observing "who constructs news narratives" and "the content of the news narratives." Also, the study seeks to understand "the effect of the news narratives" by examining news media users' attitudes towards the 31 measures. Results show that Mainland China's official media outlets dominated news narratives of the 31 measures and at the same time, embedded the strategies of united front work against Taiwan in the news narratives. Most of online news texts adopted a relatively neutral tone and news coverage was relatively objective. Yet, public opinion on social media tended to oppose the 31 measures, indicating that netizens were concerned about the negative consequences of the 31 measures on Taiwan.


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