  • 期刊


Debates on China's Political Reform: A Literature Review


在中共召開十六大之後,中國大陸的最高領導人職位有所更替,但更令人關心的是中國大陸的整體政經發展是否即將走入一個新的階段?中國大陸在從九○年代中期以來,似乎進入了一個令人困惑的階段,經右政左的改革路線面臨著必須要重新檢討的格局,但是自從改革開放以來所累積的問題也非常的複雜和深重,傷筋動骨的深層改革也不能輕易啟動,否則引起的動盪也可能讓成長減緩,拉傷進一步改革的契機。 本文全圖通過回顧近年來(九○年代中期以後)與中國大陸政治改革相關的文獻,來整理並檢討對於中國大陸的政治改革相關之一系列問題,全圖釐清一些相關辯論的核心本質,以有利於學者今後對中國大陸政治研究的更深入對話和知識活動更有效的累積。本文將針對以下四大主題展開回顧與討論:中國大陸政治改革問題的提出、中國大陸政治改革的動力與過程、中國大陸政治改革的模式、比較視角下的中國政治改革,最後,本文嘗試提出整理這些觀點的一個簡單架構,作為今後相關研究的一個對話平台。 本文認為,中國的政治發展有著不同的需求與目標,至少包含以下:穩定、經濟發展、(國家)制度建設、民主化。這些目標之問,在不同的時空環境之下,有著不同的耦合關係。經過了近二十年的經濟發展之後,中國大陸累積產生了大量的問題,現有的國家制度似乎已經不足以應付這些問題,且體制本身的問題也大量暴露出來。在這種情形下,民主化說不再是一個被壓抑的目標,其現實性提高,而產生了兩組工具性的對「民主化」持贊成或主張的論述:一個就是「經濟發展-制度建設-民主化」為主軸的論述;另一個則是「強國家-合法性-民主化」的論述。當然「經濟成長-制度建設-穩定」的論述仍然為某些精英所主張。本文認為,中共所說的「穩定、發展、改革」三者的平衡,應該改為「合法性、穩定、發展、改革」四者的平衡。沒有合法性的穩定不是真正的穩定,侵蝕合法性的發展將會產生不穩定,並且也會制約下一步的發展,這兩者都呼喚著改革,更準確地說,呼喚著民主化導向的政治改革。


政治改革 民主化 穩定 發展


After the Sixteenth Party Congress of the Chinese Communist Party, Mainland China changed its top leadership. More important, though, is the question of whether China has moved to a new stage of political and economic development. After the mid-1990's, China has reached a point where its future is uncertain. The strategy of economic freedom accompained by political repression needs to be reexamined. However, the delay of political reforms has resulted in an accumulation of multiple social and economic problems created by the process of economic reform. Starting any reform may therefore also imply tremendous repercussions, which in turn may slow down development and deter further reforms. This article will examine a series of important issues in Mainland China's political reform by reviewing the relevant literature, especially works published after the mid 1990s. It intends to clarify the nature of some critical debates, so that scholars can elaborate on these debates afterwards. This article will focus on four main issues: how the issue of political reform is raised in China, the dynamics and processes of Chinese political reform, models of China's political reform, and China's political reform in comparative perspective. The article will conclude with an analytical framework to sum up these debates. This article holds that China's political reform has at least the following needs and goals: stability, economic development, construction of state institutions, and democratization. There may be different relationships of affinity among these goals at different times and locations. The economic development of the last twenty years has created a huge number of problems that the existing institutions can not handle. Under such circumstances, democratization is no longer a goal that can be suppressed, and has become much more realistic than before. Hence, two instrumental arguments are presented: one is ”economic development-institutional construction-democratization”, and another is ”strong state-legitimacy-democratization.” This article argues that the balance between ”stability, development, and reform” noticed by the CCP during the Sixteenth Party Congress should be modified as a balance between ”legitimacy, stability, development, and reform”. Without legitimacy, no stability can be achieved and maintained, and any development that has the effect of eroding legitimacy is bound to create instability and thus limit further development. A balance between legitimacy, stability, and development thus calls for political reform. Or, to be more precise, it calls for political reform with democracy as its goal.




