  • 期刊


The Government's Role in Regulating China's Sharing Economy: A Case Study of the Bike-Sharing Industry in Beijing




With the global economic crisis, the model of sharing resources with others has evolved into a new economic paradigm and the "sharing economy" became a new phenomenon that has fundamentally transformed consumer habits. In addition, the widespread use of smartphones, the rise of mobile payments, and government policy support, the sharing economy in China has gained traction since 2016. Simultaneously, the Chinese government produced annual studies on the sharing economy in order to actively respond to, and encourage, the rising industry. In particular, due to its convenience and ease of use, "bike-sharing" has acquired a wide consumer base and achieved significant expansion. However, after a brief period of success, the bike-sharing industry has gone bankrupt and sales slumped since 2018, with the entire industry facing a major crisis, eventually leading to failure. This study examines which elements contributed to the bike-sharing industry's downfall in China, as well as the reasons for its rise and fall in such a short period using Beijing as the case study, despite the stable conditions of the "bike-sharing" market and the active policy support provided by the Chinese government from the perspective of New Institutionalism. The study found that the impact of various actors involved at various stages of the "Bike-sharing" market and the gradual institutional change in the industry were most impactful. Finally, this article will argue that the main reason is a lack of effective government regulation, in terms of the institution throughout the entire industry.


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