  • 期刊


The Development and Challenge of the East Asia Regional Security Institution



東亞安全制度是東協國家處理區域性綜合安全的一個工具,冷戰結束之後,東協國家在原有的對話基礎上,成立「東協區域論壇」(ASEAN Regional Forum, ARF)與「東協加三」(ASEAN+3)機制,建構處理區域政治暨經濟安全的一套安全管理制度。經過近年的發展,東亞安全制度已涵蓋政治、外交與經濟等重要的安全層面,建構起初步的有形組織。東亞安全制度固然降低區域的緊張情勢,瞭解中國的戰略意圖,更強化東協在區域安全中的地位,不過美國對東亞安全制度發展的態度,與東協國家是否能夠持續維持領導地位,仍是東亞安全制發展的主要挑戰。東亞安全制度更未能處理兩岸關係,受到東亞安全制度孤立的台灣,更是東亞安全制度規範的犧牲者。東亞安全制度固有其成就,不過刻意忽略台灣的安全訴求,是否能維持東亞安全環境的穩定暨發展,仍有待持續的討論。


East Asia security institution is a tool for the ASEAN member states to manage regional security. After the end of the Cold War, ASEAN states founded the ASEAN Regional Forum and the ASEAN plus Three mechanisms which constitute a set of security institution to manage regional political, economic and security issues. It is shown that the East Asia security institution has established primitive organization which covers issues of the political, diplomatic and economic sphere. East Asia security institution decreases regional tension, discovers Chinese strategic intention and enhances ASEAN position in the regional security dialogue. However, East Asia regional security institution still confronts several challenges, which are the United States attitude to the development of the East Asia security institution, as well as the continuality of the ASEAN leader position in this institution's constitution processes. East Asia security institution also does not handle the tension between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait. Taiwan has been isolated by the East Asia security institution and becomes a victim of the East Asia security institution. East Asia security institution has several achievements buy its intentionally ignorance to Taiwanese security appeal could be one of the handicap which could have negative effects upon the East Asia security stability.
