  • 期刊

China and the FTA Route to Reform



中國目前正積極運用自由貿易協定(FTA)策略。2002年底中國與東協達成全面經濟合作協議,在未來建立自由貿易區。2003年中國又與香港簽訂緊密經濟伙伴協議(CEPA),將給予香港製造業進入中國市場時在許多關稅方面享有免稅以及給予香港服務業甚至超越中國進入世界貿易組織(WTO)所做的市場開放的承諾。另一方面,中國2001年底加入WTO。過去幾年中國經濟成長暢旺部分歸功於市場開放,部分歸功於貿易自由化以及成功地吸收到龐大外資。 本文主旨在探討以下問題:中國採取FTA的抉擇會帶來哪些經濟問題,其中包括其對杜哈回合(Doha Round)進展的回饋?FTA是否有助於解決本區域其他國家,尤其是東協國家,所見到的因中國經濟重要性與日俱增所帶來的不確定性?FTA是否是建立區域公共財合作制度之必要條件?中國做此戰略抉擇對西太平洋的中國貿易伙伴有哪些利益?本文將首先回顧中國採取FTA策略進行經改的主要原因,同時亦將提及中國與東協、香港經濟合作協議的特色;其次是檢視一些使應用特惠協議到貿易政策改革複雜化的問題,兼論這些國家對中國採行FTA策略的回應。運用FTA的問題並非只是中國和東協所關切的事,所有西太平洋經濟體都有切身的關係,一方面因為三者之問的貿易關係密切,一方面因為他們緊緊相扣的供給鏈的特徵。


FTA 中國 東協 WTO CEPA 香港


China is now engaged in a vigorous strategy of the use of Free Trade Agreements. At the end of 2002 China and A SEAN adopted a Framework Agreement on Comprehensive Economic C0-operation which would establish a free trade area. They have agreed on a tariff elimination program which includes some agricultural products in an 'early harvest' component. In June 2003, China and Hong Kong signed a Closer Economic Partnership Agreement which will give Hong Kong manufacturers duty free access in a large number of tariff lines in China and gives Hong Kong services producers levels of access which exceed China's WTO commitments. China had joined the WTO at the end of 2001. China's strong growth over the last few years has been attributed in part to accession, to the liberalisation associated with it, and to its contribution to the attraction of foreign capital to China. What are the economic issues associated with the use by China of the FTA option, including its feedback onto the progress of the Doha Round? Does an FTA help resolve the uncertainties perceived in the rest of the region, and in ASEAN in particular, about the increasing economic importance of China? Is an FTA component required to build institutions for cooperation on the provision of regional public goods? What are the interests of China's trading partners in the Western Pacific in China's own strategic choices? These are among the questions discussed in this paper. The next section reviews some reasons for China's interest in an FTA route to reform. Features of the agreements with ASEAN and Hong Kong are also noted. Then issues that complicate the application of the preferential agreement route to trade policy reform are examined, along with reactions to China's adoption ofthe FTA strategy.


