

Angiogenesis, formation of new blood vessel from the pre-existing vessel is crucial for cell sun ii al in tissues. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) plays a predominant role in angiogenesis. Altered angiogenic factors results to impair the angiogenesis process that leads to various pathological conditions in aging. Previous findings on age-induced alterations in VEGF signaling and other angiogenic factors are inconsistent. Changes in VEGF and other angiogenic factors shift the homeostasis between stimulation and inhibition in angiogenesis. Earlier studies demonstrated that age-related impaired angiogenesis in different tissues can be reversed, to some extent, by exercise training. In this review, we emphasized the effect of exercise on VECF family and other angiogenic factors, and the possible mechanism underlying to such adaptive response was also described. Age-related change in VEGF action takes part in the developments of cardiovascular disease, neuromuscular disorders and skeletal muscle damage. Exercise training has been shown to reverse the age-associated deteriorations, which suggest that exercise is essential to maintain the good quality life at any age.


VEGF exercise aging hypoxia skeletal muscle cardiac muscle brain
