  • 期刊


Immediate Effect of Combined Training Movement on Vertical Jump and EMG Activities


本研究目的在探討不同組合訓練動作介入後對原地擺臂垂直跳(vertical jump, VJ)之跳躍能力及神經肌肉徵召活化之情形。以16名甲一級大專男子排球隊為研究對象,依平衡次序原則,選取不同訓練動作先重量後增強組(W + P)、先增強後重量組(P + W)、負重增強組(WPT)、重量式組(W)、增強式組(P)與未介入(U),訓練後4分鐘內隨即進行VJ測驗,並同步擷取股外側肌、股直肌和股內側肌神經肌肉參數,以均方根肌電振幅來評估運動單元的徵召量。以重複量數單因子變異數分析,比較不同訓練方式對跳躍能力及肌肉活化程度之差異,獲得以下結果:一、在WPT組動作後的跳躍高度及爆發力均顯著高於U組,而P組則是在跳躍高度顯著高於W + P、P + W及U組(P: 57.8 ± 7.68 > W + P: 55.6 ± 7.52, P + W: 55.5 ± 9.38, U: 54.8± 7.67 cm; p < .05);二、肌電反應則在W + P、W及P組後的股內側肌峰值顯著高於P + W組,且P及U組後的股四頭肌群振幅峰值顯著高於P + W組,而其他組間皆未達顯著差異。本研究結論發現介入增強式動作對於隨後的跳躍高度有顯著的影響,但負重增強動作更能同時有效提升跳躍高度及爆發力輸出,且動作後運動單位所提供的作功效率較佳,建議練習或比賽前之熱身可選擇以負重增強式動作為主,進而提升立即跳躍能力及爆發力。


The purpose of the study was to investigate the acute effect of different types of combined training movements on jump height, power and neuromuscular activation of vertical jump. Sixteen Division I collegiate volleyball players (height: 179.9 ± 9.24 cm, weight: 76.2 ± 11.65 kg) from the Chinese Culture University were participated in this study. Every subject received different treatment on each day by a counterbalanced design. The treatments included, weight training movement followed by plyometric training movement (W + P), plyometric training movement followed by weight training movement (P + W), weighted plyometric training movement (WPT), weight training movement (W), plyometric training movement (P) and unweighted (U). Within 4-min post-movement, jump height and power were measured by using NewTest-300. Synchronized neuromuscular EMG activities of vastus lateralis, vastus rectus and vastus medialis were recorded by Noraxon wireless EMG system. Motor unit recruitment was estimated by using the mean and peak of root mean squares of EMG (EMGrms). Data were analyzed by using one-way ANOVA with repeated measures. The results were shown as follows: 1. Jump height and power of weighted plyometric training movement was significantly higher than un-weighted (WPT: 57.0 ± 8.155 cm, 4,825.8 ± 381.5 Watt > U: 54.8 ± 7.67 cm, 4,692.6 ± 296.35 Watt; p < .05). The jump height of plyometric training movement was significantly higher than weight training movement followed by plyometric training movement, plyometric training movement followed by weight training movement and un-weighted (P: 57.8 ± 7.68 > W + P: 55.6 ± 7.52, P + W: 55.5 ± 9.38, U: 54.8 ± 7.67 cm; p < .05). 2. Peak EMG activities in vastus medialis after weight training movement followed by plyometric training movement, weight training movement and plyometric training movement were significantly higher than plyometric training movement followed by weight training movement (W + P: 178.4 ± 77.53, W: 174.8 ± 64.97, P: 197.1 ± 94.7 > P + W: 144.8 ± 61.32%; p < .05), and the peak EMG in quadriceps after plyometric training movement and unweighted group were significantly higher than plyometric training movement followed by weight training movement (P: 155.3 ± 41.77, U: 165.3 ± 52.54 > P + W: 129.6 ± 41.12%; p < .05). These results concluded that weighted plyometric training movement can promote the acute jumping ability and power. It is recommended that weighted plyometric training movement could be implementing before practice or competitions.




