  • 期刊


Effects of Whole Body Vibration Training as a Recovery Method on Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness after Eccentric Exercise


本研究目的在探討運動後進行全身性振動(whole body vibration,WBV)與靜態伸展之恢復模式對離心運動後肌肉損傷指標之影響。本研究以36名大專甲組運動員為受試者,受試者在實驗前接受最大心跳率、關節活動度(range of motion,ROM)與自覺肌肉疼痛指數(visual analogue scale,VAS)測驗,並分析血中肌酸激酶(creatine kinase,CK)與乳酸脫氫酶(lacate dehydrogenase,LDH)之濃度,隨後,36名受試者隨機分派至振動伸展組(VT,n = 12)、靜態伸展組(SE,n = 12)與控制組(CON,n = 12)。實驗開始受試者進行85% 保留心跳率之下坡跑30分鐘,下坡跑後各組接受不同實驗處理,VT組進行靜態伸展(伸展時間60秒、動作間隔60秒、每組動作重複3次,伸展時輔以振幅1.5 mm、頻率50 Hz之振動刺激、共3組動作)、SE組進行相同的伸展動作但不輔以振動,而CON組則不接受恢復活動。本研究於下坡跑後之第24(P24)、48(P48)與72(P72)小時進行測驗(項目:ROM,VAS,LDH,CK)。研究結果發現VT組在離心運動後之CK與LDH顯著低於CON組與SE組。此外,VT組在離心運動後之VAS與ROM顯著優於CON組,但SE組與CON組在各指標則皆無顯著差異。本研究結論:本研究發現離心運動後進行WBV配合靜態伸展可顯著降低肌肉損傷指標之水準,且WBV配合靜態伸展對於緩和肌肉損傷的恢復效果顯著優於靜態伸展。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of whole body vibration (WBV) accompanied by static stretching as a recovery method on delayed onset of muscle soreness (DOMS) after eccentric exercise in male subjects. Thirty-six trained male university students were participated in this study. The maximal heart rate, visual analogue scale (VAS), range of motion (ROM), serum lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and creatine kinase (CK) of the participants were measured prior to the experiment. All participants were randomly assigned into vibration training (VT, n = 12), static stretching (SE, n = 12) or control (CON, n = 12) groups. On Day 1 of this study, all participants were asked to perform an eccentric exercise (85% heart rate reserve downhill running for 30 min). Then, the VT group performed WBV and static stretching (50 Hz, 1.5 mm, 3 × 60 s, 3 exercises) and the SE group performed static stretching (3 × 60 s, 3 exercises). On Days 2-4, the VAS, ROM, LDH and CK of all participants, including control subjects were measured. The CK and LDH concentrations of the VT group were significantly lower than those of the SE and CON groups, but no significant difference was observed between SE and CON groups. In addition, VAS and ROM of the VT group were significantly improved. The results suggested that WBV accompanied by static stretching can promote the recovery from muscle damage after eccentric exercise, and the improvement in the DOMS recovery rate in VT group was more satisfactory than that of SE group.


cool down muscle damage static stretchin


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