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Comparison of Different Cutting Modes on Knee Joint Loading of Non-Pivot Leg in Female Basketball Players


本研究目的在比較三種不同墊步模式對女子籃球選手膝關節負荷之差異,以做為專項運動訓練與競賽指導之參考。以18名受過籃球專項訓練之高中甲組女子籃球選手(身高:167.7 ± 5.0公分、體重:60.4 ± 5.6公斤、球齡:7.1 ± 1.2年)為對象,使用Vicon Motion三維動作分析系統、Kistler測力板系統及Biovision肌電系統同時進行數據擷取。運動學及動力學資料皆以非軸心腳著地時間標準化為100%。結果顯示在非軸心腳著地階段,單腳墊步的內旋力矩峰值大於雙腳墊步及原地墊步,且當內旋力矩達到峰值時,單腳墊步之屈曲角度小於雙腳墊步及原地墊步。在股直肌與股二頭肌的共同收縮上,單腳墊步比原地墊步有較低共同收縮比率。本研究結論單腳墊步有較高的膝關節內旋力矩峰值與股直─股二頭共同收縮比率,若戰術需要高頻率的使用單腳墊步,建議需要改變著地策略,增加膝關節屈曲角度。或是加強訓練腿後肌群的強度,以減少膝關節運動傷害的機會。


運動學 動力學 下肢 前十字韌帶 著地


The purpose of this study was to compare the three different cutting modes on knee joint loading of non-pivot leg in female basketball players. Eighteen female basketball players from senior high school division I (height: 167.7 ± 5.0 cm, weight: 60.4 ± 5.6 kg, basketball experience: 7.1 ± 1.2 yrs) were participated in this study. The Vicon Motion System, Kistler force platform, and Biovision EMG system were synchronously employed to collect the data. The landing time of the non-pivot leg was normalized to 100%, and the kinematic and kinetic data were analyzed for this period. The results indicated that the peak value of the internal rotation torque was the highest when stopping with a single leg. Besides, when the peak value of the internal torque occurred, the flexion angle was the smallest while stopping with a single leg. Moreover, stopping with a single leg and with both legs had a low level of muscle co-contraction. We concluded that the highest peak value in internal rotation torque and lower co-contraction level of quadriceps on the hamstring muscles occurred on the non-pivot leg, while stopping with a single leg. These findings suggest that if players must stop with a single leg, they should change their landing strategy to increase the flexion angle of the knee. In addition, players should strengthen their hamstring muscle to decrease the possibility of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury.


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