  • 期刊


Effects of Passive Repeated Plyometric Training with Different Movement Types on Strength and Power


This research is based on plyometric training theory. The experimental tool used was passive repeated plyometric machine. The purposes of this research were: to establish a theoretical bas is for passive repeated plyometric training on strength and power; and to compare and analyze the effects of different variables (different training frequency, different motion frequency and load-control with increasing speed) on strength and power. It was hoped that the best training load could be determined. The first step was to use different motion frequency training (60 RPM, 120 RPM) and load-control with increasing speed (from 30 RPM→60 RPM→90 RPM→120 RPM→150 RPM increasing progressively). Twenty-six students of the Physical Education Department at Hualien Teachers College served as subjects. They participated in a training program three times a week for eight weeks. SPSS for Windows 10.0 version was used to process statistics and analysis of the data. Statistical testing was set at the α=.05 level of significance. The reliability correlation was obtained from the statistical method of K. Pearson's product-moment correlation; the one factor analysis of covariance of independent samples was used to test the homogeneity among groups; dependent samples were used to test the effects of pre and post training among groups. The results of the study were: 1. Every group progressed after training. 2. The group trained with load-control with increasing speed gained the best effect. 3. Four sports ability tests showed significant differences (p<.01): there were significant differences (p<.01) in vertical jump, 30-meter run, and squat 1 RM. 4. Among training methods, 120 RPM can help promote speed most. 5. 120 RPM, and load-control increasing speed are the two best methods for promoting strength. 6. The load-control increasing speed method helped both bounce jump ability and strength.


This research is based on plyometric training theory. The experimental tool used was passive repeated plyometric machine. The purposes of this research were: to establish a theoretical bas is for passive repeated plyometric training on strength and power; and to compare and analyze the effects of different variables (different training frequency, different motion frequency and load-control with increasing speed) on strength and power. It was hoped that the best training load could be determined. The first step was to use different motion frequency training (60 RPM, 120 RPM) and load-control with increasing speed (from 30 RPM→60 RPM→90 RPM→120 RPM→150 RPM increasing progressively). Twenty-six students of the Physical Education Department at Hualien Teachers College served as subjects. They participated in a training program three times a week for eight weeks. SPSS for Windows 10.0 version was used to process statistics and analysis of the data. Statistical testing was set at the α=.05 level of significance. The reliability correlation was obtained from the statistical method of K. Pearson's product-moment correlation; the one factor analysis of covariance of independent samples was used to test the homogeneity among groups; dependent samples were used to test the effects of pre and post training among groups. The results of the study were: 1. Every group progressed after training. 2. The group trained with load-control with increasing speed gained the best effect. 3. Four sports ability tests showed significant differences (p<.01): there were significant differences (p<.01) in vertical jump, 30-meter run, and squat 1 RM. 4. Among training methods, 120 RPM can help promote speed most. 5. 120 RPM, and load-control increasing speed are the two best methods for promoting strength. 6. The load-control increasing speed method helped both bounce jump ability and strength.


