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Effect of Glucose Intake on Blood Glucose Concentration and Tissue Glycogen Levels in Normobaric Systemic Hypoxia


目的:本研究欲探討14%常壓低氧對血糖、心臟、肝臟及骨骼肌肝醣含量的影響,並觀察低氧時補充葡萄糖對心臟、肝臟及骨骼肌肝醣含量的影響。方法:80隻體重約100克的SD(Sprag-Dawley)雄鼠隨機分為10組,分別給予各組補充葡萄糖及低氧狀態控制,包括空腹低氧0分鐘組(FH0, n=8)、空腹低氧30分鐘組(FH30, n=8)、空腹低氧60分鐘組(FH60, n=8)、空腹低氧120分鐘組(FH120, n=8)、空腹低氧240分鐘組(FH240, n=8)、葡萄糖低氧0分鐘組(GH0, n=8)、葡萄糖低氧30分鐘組(GH30, n=8)、葡萄糖低氧60分鐘組(GH60, n=8)、葡萄糖低氧120分鐘組(GH120, n=8)、葡萄糖低氧240分鐘組(GH240, n=8)。結果:老鼠空腹給予30分鐘的低氧會顯著增加血糖濃度(FH0 67.67±5.28 mg/dl


心臟 肝臟 腓腸紅肌


Purpose: This study was aimed to examine the effect of glucose intake on blood glucose concentration and heart, liver and skeletal muscle glycogen levels with 14% normobaric systemic hypoxia exposure. Methods: Eighty SD rats were divided into 10 groups such as, fasting hypoxia 0 min (FH-0, n=8), fasting hypoxia 30 min (FH-30, n=8), fasting hypoxia 60 min (FH-60, n=8), fasting hypoxia 120 min (FH-120, n=8), fasting hypoxia 240 min (FH-240, n=8), oral glucose hypoxia 0 min (GH-0, n=8), oral glucose hypoxia 30 min (GH-30, n=8), oral glucose hypoxia 60 min (GH-60, n=8), oral glucose hypoxia 120 min (GH-120, n=8), and oral glucose hypoxia 240 min (GH-240, n=8). Results: The blood glucose concentration was significantly increased in fasting hypoxia at 30 min compared to FH-0 min (FH-0=67.67±5.28 mg/dl<FH-30=83.86±2.93 mg/dl). No effect on red, white gastrocnemius muscles and liver glycogen levels in the fasting hypoxia group at all time points. However, heart glycogen levels were significantly (p<.05) increased in fasting hypoxia group after 30 min (FH-30=41.86±3.07 μmol/g) and 240 min (FH-240=40.48±1.40 μmol/g) when compared to zero min (FH-0 32.26± 2.84 μmol/g). After oral glucose administration red gastrocnemius and heart glycogen levels were significantly increased at 240 min (GH-0=31.03±4.74 μmol/g<GH-240=44.87±1.10 μmol/g; GH-0=34.36±2.44 μmol/g<GH-240=58.63±6.16 μmol/g, respectively), but no effect in white gastrocnemius muscle glycogen levels. Liver glycogen levels were increased at 60, 120 and 240 min (GF-60=75.92±8.51 μmol/g, GF-120=88.32±12.99 μmol/g, GF-240=96.99±12.81 μmol/g) after oral glucose intake compared that of zero min. Conclusion: Hypoxia under fasting condition increase heart glycogen levels. Hypoxia along with oral glucose intake induces liver glycogen response faster than heart and oxidative red gastrocnemius muscle, but no effect on white gastrocnemius muscle.


heart liver red gastrocnemius muscle


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