  • 期刊


Effect of Neighborhood Walkability on Regular Physical Activity and Distribution of Hypertension, Diabetes, and Hyperlipidemia: A Comparison of Subjective and Objective Data




The prevalent chronic metabolic diseases cause social and economical burden. The neighborhood walkability influences resident's physical activity behavior, which leads positive or negative health outcomes. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of the neighborhood walkability on regular physical activity and distribution of hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia to examine the consistency of subjective and objective data. In this study, the data from government used as objective data and convenience sampling for an internet survey considered as subjective data. The questionnaire contained 3 items, including Physical Activity Neighborhood Environment Survey, International Physical Activity Questionnaire and personal health information. The participants of this study were residents of Taiwan, who were above 20 years old. Total 1,226 individuals validly responded to the questionnaire. The result showed that the walkability could positively predict the rate of regular physical activity, and negatively predict the distribution of cardiometabolic diseases. The subjective and objective data had no significant differences. However, the walkability could positively predict the rate of regular physical activity that was significant. The path coefficient was .83 and the predicted power was 68.2%. The rate of regular physical activity could negatively predict the distribution of cardiometabolic diseases. The path coefficient was -.63 and the predicted power was 39.7%. In conclusion, the neighborhood walkability influences the residents' physical activity and the risks of cardiometabolic diseases. Active community environment should be taken into a consideration of the policy planning of sport, health and urban designs, in order to achieve the goal of disease prevention, active lifestyle and health promotion.


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