

A sailfish (Istiophorus platypterus) was tagged with a pop-up satellite archival tag off the eastern coast of Taiwan and moved in a northerly direction to the East China Sea, where the tag popped-up after 160 days. The total linear displacement was 550 km from deployment to pop-up location and all movements were confined to the East China Sea. After the primarily southward movement during first two months at-liberty, the sailfish changed course after September and began to swim in a northerly direction paralleling the Kuroshio Current. During these horizontal movements, the tagged animal exhibited diel oscillations in its vertical diving behavior. On 22 days of the entire 160 days-at-liberty, the sailfish dove to depths deeper than 100 m. The sailfish spent >85% of its time in the upper uniformly mixed layer above ~50 m, but made more extensive vertical movements during the daytime ( x = 32.2 m ± 34.5 SD) than nighttime ( x = 9.5 m ± 16.7 SD). Depths and ambient water temperatures visited ranged from 0 to 153 m and 29.7°C to 17.8°C, respectively. The depth distribution appeared to be limited by ~6°C to 8°C changes in water temperature (Delta T) relative to sea surface temperature.


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