  • 期刊


The Impact of Currency Depreciation on Stock Returns and Volatility: An Empirical Study of The four Asian Little Dragons





Being accompanied with recent deregulations and internationalization of financial markets, stock and foreign exchange have become close substitutes. This paper investigates the impact of currency depreciation on daily stock returns and its volatility, using four Asian stock markets of Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan as examples. The estimated GARCH(1,1) models find that currency depreciation significantly reduces stock returns and amplifies market volatility in Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan. Hong Kong has successfully pegged its exchange rates constant against the US dollar over the sample period, but the uncertainty of currency depreciation significantly causes the stock market volatility. The evidence of negative depreciation effects in the stock markets suggests cautious attitude towards empirical analysis of a small open stock market based on the standard mean-variance model concerning only behavior of the stock market itself. Domestic investors or international-funds managers who plan to invest the Asian newly emerging stock markets have to evaluate indicators of the stock market and stability of the foreign exchange market simultaneously to avoid biased judgement.


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