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Illness life change, illness-related distress, perceived control, self-care behaviors, and depression in chronic patients: A dual illness adaptation path




Depression is the key issue of patients with chronic disease that has received the most attention. The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of chronic disease patient on suffered depression how through the multiple components influenced complex process from illness adaptation. The participants comprised 227 clinic patients, 110 patients with hypertension and 117 patients with type 2 diabetes and male 121, female 106. The mean age is 60.94. Five scales were conducted by invited inform consent procedure, the scales including illness life change scale, expectancy health control scale, chronic illness-related distress scale, self-care behaviors scale and Beck Depression II scale. The results show that the research hypotheses are partially supported by the significant direct effects and indirect effects in our path model. The relationship between the illness life change and depression may mediate by illness-related distress, and self-care play mediating role between expectancy control and depression. We discussed the contributions and implications of the bi-route mediating model of illness adaptation affecting depression as well as the clinical applications and future research suggestions. Finally we also discussed the limitations of the study.


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