  • 期刊


Tourist's Perceived Meanings and Values of Nostalgic Experiences-A Means-End Chain Approach


本研究以消費者行爲的觀點,探究旅客在歷史遺跡、古文物或舊城鎮旅遊中的懷舊體驗。由於方法目的鏈(means-end chain)主要在於指引研究者探究消費者對某種屬性所認定的核心價值(Gutman, 1982),而階梯法是收集方法目的鏈資料最常用的方法,所以本研究利用開放式問卷進行與74位旅客一對一的深度訪談,且逐步引導旅客說出懷舊體驗在其心中最無形的價值。資料收集後,首先以內容分析法進行資料的編碼分析,而後彙整出價值階梯圖(hierarchical value map: HVM)。在研究結果中發現,懷舊旅遊最重要的價值是在一種簡單、自然與充滿濃濃親情的文化與環境引領下,享受一趟知性與感性兼具的旅遊,同時不同的性別、年齡層與旅遊地型態也明顯呈現出不同的感受與價值需求。本研究因此從這些研究結果中解析旅客懷舊體驗的屬性、利益與價值,並且探討其行銷策略上的意涵,以提供業界實務運作與學界後續研究之參考。


Based on the perspective of customer behavior, this study explored tourists' intangible perceived values with regard to their nostalgic experiences of visits to heritage sites. The approach of means-end chain (MEC) was adopted for analyzing the cognitive linkages among the attributes of heritage sites, the consequences derived from these attributes, and the subsequent abstract values that followed. The qualitative method of ”laddering” was used for the MEC approach in this study. The data were collected through one-to-one in-depth personal interviews of seventy-four tourists' experiences on the heritage sites they had visited. By using the results of content analysis, a HVM (hierarchical value map) was drawn to show the relationships among concepts. The results revealed that tourists preferred a heritage tour under a simple, natural and warm atmosphere that can lead them to have a peace of mind and increased knowledge. Moreover, the tourists' core values on their nostalgic experiences were different among various age groups. Marketing implications and future research directions were recommended at the end of this study.


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