  • 期刊


Old Soldiers Never Die: Using Means-End Chain to Explore Heterogeneity and the Value of Returning Soldiers in Nostalgic Battlefield Tourism




老兵 懷舊 戰地觀光 價值 方法目的鏈


Battlefield tourism has gained much popularity. Research on nostalgia tourism, however, has yet clarified the relationships among value pursuits, travel characteristics, and benefits derived by specific target populations. This study explored the values, benefits, and attribute preferences of 58 Taiwanese Kinmen army veterans who revisited Kinmen during 2012-2019. The findings of the means-end chain method applied to the interview data revealed seven characteristics, 11 travel consequences, and nine value pursuits that attracted the veterans. The primary consequences were reminiscence, arousal, and unforgettable memory, and the key value pursuits were place attachment, self-realization, and uniqueness. Military characteristics and timing of visits influenced the relationships among attribute compositions, consequences, and values. The findings can serve as a reference for tourism planning for soldiers and their families.


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