  • 期刊

Fast foods - are they a risk factor for functional gastrointestinal disorders?




背景和目的:速食的消費在台灣已有大幅的增加,而頻繁攝取速食與過敏及肥胖有關。本研究的目的在於描述食速食習慣的變遷,並評估在台灣青少年族群中速食攝取與功能性胃腸病風險間的關係。方法與研究設計:本分析資料源自於2011年台灣學生營養健康狀況變遷調查,共有2,042位青少年(12-19歲)完成本問卷,之中含有功能性胃腸病羅馬III標準的中文版調查。並將已被確診患有器官性腸胃道疾病之受訪者排除。結果:共有2,034位孩童參與,其中545位(26.8%)有至少一種功能性胃腸病的病史,88.1%有食速食史。而相較於在一個月內都無食速食孩童,食速食孩童有明顯更高的功能性胃腸病盛行率(27.6% vs 20.6%,p=0.024)。兒童及青少年罹患功能性胃腸病風險的增加(OR 1.8,95% CI:1.78-1.83)也與吃速食有所關聯。結論:功能性胃腸病在台灣青少年族群中是很普遍的,而常食速食與功能性胃腸病的產生有关。另外,低量纤维素的攝入与冰冷食物也可能與造成功能性胃腸病有關。我們的發現是與全球日益增加的速食消費相關的公共衛生議題。


Background and Objectives: Fast-food consumption has greatly increased in Taiwan. Frequent fast food intake is associated with both allergy and obesity. The aim of this study was to describe fast food habit changes, and to assess the relationship between fast food intake and the risk of functional gastrointestinal disorders (FGIDs) among Taiwanese adolescents. Methods and Study Design: This analysis used data from the Nutrition and Health Survey in Taiwan (NAHSIT) of high school students conducted in 2011. A total of 2,042 adolescents (12- 19 years) completed the questionnaire. The survey included the Rome III criteria for FGIDs, translated into Chinese for adolescents. Respondents with previously diagnosed chronic organic gastrointestinal diseases were excluded from the study. Results: In total, 2,034 children were enrolled. 545 subjects (26.8%) had history of at least one FGID. 88.1% of the subjects reported fast foods consumption. A significantly higher prevalence of FGIDs was noted in adolescents with a history of fast foods consumption, compared with those reported not to have ingested fast foods in the past 30 days (27.6% vs 20.6%, p=0.024). An increased risk of FGIDs in children and adolescents was associated with fast food intake (OR 1.8, 95% CI: 1.78-1.83). Conclusions: FGIDs were common among Taiwanese adolescents. Fast-food consumption may contribute to a positive association with the development of functional gastrointestinal disorders. Lower fiber intake and more frozen desserts in the diet may be complicit in FGIDs. The findings have public health relevance in regard to the global increase in fast food consumption.
