  • 期刊


The Nursing Experience of a Diabetes Patient Complicated with Acute Myocardial Infarction


本文描述一位67歲未規則控制糖尿病之老年婦女,在無預警情況下併發心肌梗塞入加護單位,接受冠狀動脈成形術治療。護理期間94.4.28.~94.5.2.,筆者運用Gordon 11項健康功能型態對個案進行整體性評估,發現個案有潛在性心輸出量不足、現存性出血、焦慮、健康維護能力改變等健康問題。在護理過程中筆者提供個案個別護理措施,改善個案急性期生理不適,並提供後續性照護,降低個案的不安與焦慮,協助個案建立正確的健康行為及居家自我照護能力,以降低心肌梗塞再發的可能性,進而提高生活品質。


The article presented a 67-year-old elderly patient suffering under irregular control diabetes mellitus, and unfortunately she was attacked bymyocardial infraction. She was sent to the emergency unit receiving a primary PTCA. During nursing interventions from Arpril 28(superscript th) till May 2(superscript nd), 2005, using the Gorden's nursing diagnosis, the author identified client's health problems, including: decreased cardiac output, bleeding, anxiety, altered health maintenance, etc. In process of nursing, the author tried to provide the patient with individual care relieve physical discomfort in the acute stage, reduce anxiety and uneasiness, and assist to build correct health behaviors and self-care at home so as to prevent the recurrence from the Acute Myocardial Infarction, thus reducing the patient a better quality of life. Bedside a halthy aging life is likely assured.
