  • 期刊


The Nursing Experience of Applying Caring to Acute Myocardial Infarction Patient




This article describes the nursing experience in caring for a 73-year-old male with acute myocardial infarction disease in ICU, who was under nursing care from April 9 to 28, 2005. patient's data was collected and carefully evaluated through verbal conversation and observation based on Gordon's 11 criterias for a functional health state. Patient appeared to have chest pain and short of breath because of myocardial infarction on the physiology during hospitalization period and also exhibited, anxiety secondary to changes in environment and worries about disease. Nursing problems such as gas exchange impaired, tissue perfusion altered (cardio), sleep pattern disturbance, anxiety and grieving anticipatory were clearly established. Through the deployment of caring behavior, listening actively, respecting for the patient and also made use of professional and suitable nursing interventions, patient’s chest pain was alleviated; worries and anxiety were also greatly reduced and as a consequence sleeping time was increased. The author of this article was able to provide caring to help him accept invasive treatments, turning away from refusing behavior before, The patient has acquired a good medical care during the period of staying in hospital. By reporting the nursing experience of this case, we hope the knowledge gained could be shared and referenced by others.


