  • 期刊


Effect of Preoperative Stoma Site Marking on Postoperative Complications in Colostomy Patients in a Medical Center


結直腸癌病人行永久性腸造口手術病人,其理想的腸造口位置可減少造口滲漏或皮膚炎等併發症對生活品質之困擾。本研究目的在探討術前造口位置標記對術後併發症之效果。採準實驗性研究設計,實驗組接受術前造口位置標記及護理指導,對照組僅給予護理指導,追蹤術後三個月造口併發症。結果共收案84位病人,術後併發症為造口周圍皮膚炎及造口剝離,皮膚炎之發生率為21%、剝離率為7%;以廣義性估計函數(Generalized Estimation Equation, GEE)方程式進行統計分析,結果發現兩組在術後造口剝離的發生無顯著影響,但對造口周圍皮膚炎之發生率有顯著影響(t= -2.98, p= .003)。故建議無論暫時性或永久性造口手術,均應於術前進行造口位置標記,以完整的術前準備降低術後造口周圍皮膚炎之併發症發生率,提升生活品質。


In patients with colorectal cancer undergoing colostomy, stoma site marking should be performed to prevent stoma-related complications. This study explored the effectiveness of preoperative stoma site marking. In this prospective quasiexperimental study, 42 and 42 colostomy patients who underwent and did not undergo stoma site marking, respectively, were included. Postoperative complications included peristomal dermatitis and skin mucosal separation. The incidence of dermatitis was 21%, and the separation rate was 7%. Patients who underwent stoma site marking had a significantly lower incidence of peristomal skin irritation and dermatitis at the 3-month follow up (t = - 2.98, p = .003). More patients experienced skin irritation and dermatitis after end colostomy than after ileostomy and loop colostomy (p = .044 and p = .009, respectively). Therefore, preoperative stoma site marking should be performed in colostomy patients to reduce complications.


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