  • 期刊


Reducing the Incidence of Hypothermia in Preterm Infants in Neonatal Intensive Care Units




The purpose of this project was to reduce the incidence of hypothermia in premature infants. If the body temperature of premature infants is lower than 36℃ , the mortality rate increases by as much as 64%. The problem of hypothermia in premature infants often results in accusations and complaints against nursing homes. In 2017, low body temperature was reported in 54% of premature infants in neonatal care units. Therefore, this study was conducted to reduce the incidence of hypothermia in preterm infants. The causes for such incidence are summarized as follows: First, the lack of standard practices for thermal protection of premature infants; second, the lack of education and training (including doctors and nurses) related to thermal protection of premature infants; third, the lack of preheated medical equipment; fourth, the insufficient body temperature maintenance measures during invasive procedures; and fifth, the lack of the use of preheated equipment when transferring. After reviewing literature and consulting experts, we proposed a solution for medical care of premature infants, body temperature protection (including transfer) operation specifications, holding care-related educational courses, production of warm supplies, use of warm sterile products, and warm heating equipment. Since the implementation of the project, the rate of hypothermia in premature infants has decreased from 54.5% to 23.8%. The project was implemented to reduce the risk of hypothermia in premature infants and stabilize the follow-up treatment process of premature infants. Regular training workshops should be conducted on infant care-related problems, and experiences should be shared to improve the quality of care.


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