  • 期刊


A Project to Improve Pediatric Ward's Janitorial Staff Duties




工級人員 作業改善 滿意度


Janitorial staff play an important role assisting nurses in hospitals. If they work inefficiently, this will reduce overall service quality. To improve the efficiency of the pediatric ward's janitorial staff duties, a project team was established. An investigation of this issue disclosed that the main problems induded excessive unpredictable work assignments, nursing station inability to control janitorial staff whereabouts, and a lack of familiarity with each ward's work station. We therefore designed a schedule and an on-duty journal for the janitorial staff of the pediatric ward, and form ulated a standard work station. The results: the frequency of unpredictable work assignments declined from 165 per day to 67; the patient satisfaction rate increased from 68.8% to 86.2%; the janitorial staff self-satisfaction rate increased from 45.5% to 76.2%; the nursing staff satisfaction rate increased from 33.7% to 65.2%. The goals have been achieved through such implementations and would also have positive effects on overall service quality.
