  • 期刊


I Just Cannot Get It Out of My Mind: A Cognitive Rumination Perspective on the Relationship between Abusive Supervision and Subordinates' Long-Term Negative Affective States




Drawing on cognitive theories of rumination, this study conceptualized abusive supervision as failed experience regarding employees' pursuit of task and social goals at work and examined the mediating role of cognitive rumination on the relationship between abusive supervision and subordinates' long-term negative affective states. In addition, we also explored the moderating role of subordinates' core self-evaluations traits on the indirect effect of abusive supervision on subordinates' long-term negative affective states via cognitive rumination. The data was collected from 24 companies of different industries in Taiwan, consisted of 194 matched data. We used hierarchical regression analysis and conditional indirect analysis to test our hypotheses. Results showed that cognitive rumination mediated the relationship between abusive supervision and subordinates' long-term negative affective states. Further, conditional indirect analyses demonstrated that subordinates' core self-evaluations traits moderated the strength of the indirect effect of abusive supervision on subordinates' long-term negative affective states via cognitive rumination. Accordingly, based on our findings, theoretical and practical implications, limitations and future research are discussed.


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