  • 期刊


How Does Daily Abusive Supervision Ruin Workplace Safety Behavior? Investigating the Mediating Role of Organization-Based Self-Esteem and the Moderating Role of Negative Affectivity




Integrating theories of self-consistency and self-verification, the current research aims to examine the relationship between daily abusive supervision and daily workplace safety behavior (including both safety participation and safety compliance) and to explore the mediating role of daily organization-based self-esteem (OBSE) and the cross-level moderating role of negative affectivity. This study tested the theoretical model with 614 daily-surveys from 154 subordinates (nested within 55 supervisors) across 5 consecutive working days through the research design of time-lagged experience sampling methodology and multi-sources. We used hierarchical linear modeling analyses and Monte Carlo simulations to test our hypotheses. The results showed that daily abusive supervision was negatively related to subordinates' daily workplace safety behavior, and daily OBSE mediated the relationship between daily abusive supervision and daily workplace safety behavior. Further, multilevel moderated mediation analyses demonstrated that subordinates' negative affectivity moderated the strength of the indirect effect of daily abusive supervision on daily workplace safety behavior via daily OBSE. Accordingly, based on our findings, further theoretical and practical implications, limitations and future research were discussed.


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