  • 期刊


Raising Umbrellas in the Exceptional City: Encounters with the 'Other' in Liminal Spaces


待客人情從不是香港人形象,然而2014年遮打運動(又名雨傘運動)過程中,許多港人無論如何要到場「保護學生」的真切實踐,加上各類媒體的大幅重點報導,交織而成的香港人形象是嶄新的、勇敢的、熱情且兼容多元的,好似歡迎任何族裔以粵語大聲高唱海闊天空,一齊撐起雨傘。對照近年全城瀰漫「這城市在死亡」(the city is dying)的低迷,2014年9月28日後「香港人已經不一樣」的論點表現於場內場外各類形式的論述、圖像。本文欲從佔領現場觀察出發,關注其中慇勤待客(hospitality)表現所實踐的時空延展,來探討佔領運動創造的「非常城市」給正常城市社會的啟示。


Many of the hundreds of thousands of Hong Kong people who initially joined the Umbrella Movement had the relatively straightforward goal of "protecting the students". Extensive media coverage soon represented protest participants as passionate, brave, and inclusive, although Hong Kong people have rarely been noted for their hospitality. In contrast to the pessimistic narratives of recent years, characterized by phrases such as "the city is dying", the Umbrella Movement's proliferation of citizen-journalism and artistic production raised the widely-debated possibility that "Hong Kong people have changed". Based on ethnographic observation of the movement from late September through November 2014 and content analysis of popular and social media, this article examines the ways in which Hong Kong people articulated such changes. It pays particular attention to the role of "hospitality" in shaping discourse and extending the time-space of the Umbrella Movement as social drama. The urban exceptionality of the Umbrella occupations, we argue, ultimately requires us to rethink the normativities of the everyday city.


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不著撰人2014a 〈【佔領旺角】凌晨300 人遊街「鳩嗚」:阿Sir Bye Bye〉。《蘋果日報》,http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/realtime/news/20141129/53180471 ,2014 年11 月29 日上線。
