  • 期刊


Digital Diaspora and Queer Imaginaries: Lesbian Board, Rainbow Village, and Queerology


當代社會進入數位化階段,網際網絡及社群媒體改寫社會機構與團體的操作模式與運作結構,亦深遠影響小眾社群的建構過程。本文以台灣電子佈告欄批踢踢實業坊拉板、批踢踢兔彩虹山莊及其而後所發展之共筆部落格Queerology為主要研究對象,觀察其不斷飆升之數位性運作模式如何刺激與影響台灣在地女同志社群的認同過程。本文延展穆諾茲、卡戴納斯、凱斯之酷兒論述,結合詹京斯及布朗斯的數位網域理論,並一併爬梳台灣同志運動及酷兒社群之相關討論,佐以網路使用者之訪談報告,期使系譜論述與實體經驗交相指涉映照。藉由聚焦數位網路與酷兒社群的交集區域,本文強調「數位離散」(digital diaspora)的概念,視數位性為當代酷兒社群意識建構過程的重要素材媒介,並指出其中想像模式的私密/公開、能動/收編雙重屬性。


數位離散 酷兒 拉板 彩虹山莊 Queerology


As we enter the digital era, the operations of institutions and communities have been reorganized by the Internet and social media. This paper focuses on the construction of minority communities, taking Lesbian Board, Rainbow Village and Queerology as examples that reveal the way in which the digital mobilizes lesbian communities in Taiwan. Combining Munoz's, Cardenas' and Case's queer discourses with Jenkins' and Bruns' digital studies, as well as discussions and interviews regarding the history of the Taiwanese gay movement, this paper aims to further develop and localize the concept of digital diaspora. As a digital diasporic community, the lesbian social media discussed have performed two kinds of ambivalent imaginaries in which the community is, at the same time, cloistered and exposed, revolting and incorporated.


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