  • 期刊

規劃的邏輯-評介Hopkins教授所著Urban Development:The Logic of Making Plans

The Logic of Planning: A Review on Hopkins's Urban Development: The Logic of Making Plans


規劃的邏輯可以從狹義及廣義的角度來入手。從狹義的角度觀之,該邏輯是一組描述計畫如何制定的公理;而從廣義的角度觀之,該邏輯是對規劃現象的一組解釋。不論從狹義或廣義規劃邏輯入手,皆有其必要。本文即在評介Lewis D. Hopkins教授所著Urban Development: The Logic of Making Plans,作為規劃邏輯探討的嘗試。本文首先介紹此書撰寫的學術背景,其次簡略整理該書的內容,最後針對該書內容作一短評。


The logic of making plans can be constructed either from a narrow or from a broad perspective. In the narrow perspective, the logic of making plans is a set of axioms describing how plans are made, while in the broad perspective, the logic of making plans is a set of explanations for observed planning phenomena. Both perspectives are useful in planning research. In this review, I introduce one such an attempt by Lewis D. Hopkins in his book entitled ”Urban Development: The Logic of Making Plans,” by first setting a scholarly context in which the book is written, and then summarizing briefly the content of the book. I shall make some comments on the merits of the arguments made in the book.


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Hopkins, Lewis D.(2001).Urban Development: The Logic of Making Plans.London:Island Press.
Planning and Markets
Miller, Richard W.(1987).Fact and Method: Explanation, Confirmation and Reality in the Natural and the Social Sciences.Princeton, NJ:Princeton University Press.


