  • 期刊


Identification of F_1 Hybrids in Watermelon Using SSR Markers


一代雜交種檢測是商業種子生產的重要品管工作,以生育特性(grow out test; GOT)作為檢定模式,是目前種苗業界經常使用的方法,但此方式容易受制於氣候環境而呈現較大的變化與誤差;又利用外觀特性的檢定方式,既耗時且需要較大的栽培空間與人力。本研究目的為開發專一性與共顯性分子標誌,應用於西瓜雜交種親本和雜交種之檢測。試驗結果,自22個西瓜商業品種篩選組成24個核心簡單序列重複(simple sequence repeat; SSR)標誌,其中3個關鍵性SSR標誌,經測試可通用於2個外銷採種的西瓜雜交種之檢測。相較於傳統GOT檢定需要2個月以上的時程,SSR標誌較方便於早期進行雜交種子遺傳純度檢測之應用。


Determination of F_1 hybrids and their corresponding parental lines is an important quality control in the production of hybrid vegetable seeds. The grow-out trial (or grow out test; GOT) is a commonly used method for genetic purity test by seed enterprise. The trial consists of a number of morphological characters that can vary according to environmental conditions. Furthermore, checking these types of trials are time consuming, space demanding, and often do not allow the unequivocal identification of the genotypes. The objectives of this study were to generate the specific and co-dominant markers for discrimination parental lines and the subsequent assessment of hybrids in watermelon. Genomic DNA from the three F_1 hybrid cultivars and their parental lines were screened with 24 polymorphic core SSR (simple sequence repeat) primer pairs that developed from 22 commercial varieties. Based on the results, a key set of three SSR markers were selected for hybrid identification. As the validation time of GOT's method could be more than two months, SSR analysis would be a useful tool for early testing the genetic purity in commercial hybrid seeds production.
