  • 期刊


Effectiveness of Spinosad Bait in the Control of the OrientalFruit Fly, Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel), (Diptera: Tephritidae) in Citrus Orchard


東方果實蠅[Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel)]素為柑桔之重要害蟲。在彰化溪州柑桔園以0.02%賜諾殺濃餌劑進行誘殺試驗,結果顯示加施賜諾殺餌劑處理比單獨使用香蕉果實網袋包處理所誘之雌、雄蟲數顯著為少,前者雌、雄蟲數分別誘得0.5及0.3隻,後者則為3.6及1.6隻。由果實網袋包所誘得之蟲數變化可知試驗期間一直有少數東方果實蠅侵入,平均每週每包有3.6隻雌蟲。又由渦旋式誘蠅器(內置甲基丁香油誘殺板)所誘得之雄蟲顯示,侵入園區之東方果實蠅蟲源亦陸續被賜諾殺所誘殺。因本試驗自柑桔果實6~7分熟時值東方果實蠅為害初期即開始進行誘殺,致使整體試區(含CK)果實被害率僅0.02~0.05%,效果非常優異,顯示少數侵入之雌蟲在未產卵為害之前已快速被誘殺。另調查成熟之柑桔落果,平均蟲害率加病害率(東方果實蠅幼蟲直接為害加產卵孔引發之病害)僅為3.5%,較往年記錄之30~50%被害率亦大幅降低。


The Oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel), is the major insect pest of citrus crops. This study was to evaluate the effectiveness of Spinosad bait for the control of the Oriental fruit fly. The number of flies captured by the yellow sticky trap with netted banana from the 0.02% Spinosad-treated plots was 0.5/0.3 (♀/♂) which was significantly lower than that of the control plots of 3.6/1.6 (♀/♂). Based on the fluctuation of the number of flies captured, it indicated that there were a few flies continually invading the orchard, averaging 3.6 females per week. Using the number of male flies captured by methyl eugenol traps as a reference, it further indicated that the invading flies were effectively attracted and gradually killed by Spinosad baits. This study showed that application of Spinosad baits at the early fruit ripening stage could kill the female flies before eggs were deposited, thereby, reduced the fruit damage rates as low as 0.02~0.05%. In addition, results from the investigation of the dropped fruits showed that the total damage rate from the fruit fly infestations was only 3.5% (including fruits damaged by diseases resulting from fruit fly ovipositions) which was much lower than the damage rates of 30~50% recorded in the past years.


Spinosad bait Citrus Attractant Bactrocera dorsalis
