  • 期刊


Occurrence of "Agasicles hygrophila" (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) and Its Potential for Biocontrol on Alligatorweed, Alternanthera philoxeroides


雙條長葉蚤(Agasicles hygrophila Selman & Vogt)屬於鞘翅目金花蟲科,單食於莧科雜草長梗滿天星[Alternanthera philoxeroides (Mart.) Griseb.],是世界性雜草生物防治工具。台灣有本種葉蚤發生,於26─27℃、24 L養蟲環境下,卵期約5日;幼蟲期平均12–13日;蛹期4–5日;雌成蟲壽命可達50日以上,平均 25.3日,一生平均產卵258粒。田野調查顯示本蟲局部發生於水生長梗滿天星,於春、秋季節密度較高,長梗滿天星被害後整片枯死;夏季高溫時葉蚤生長 繁殖力降低,此時長梗滿天星則生長旺盛,由於本葉蚤與滿天星的最適生長溫度不同,自然發生的葉蚤雖會降低植株生勢,但對於長梗滿天星較難產生高度 防治效果。在有特殊需要之情況下,可考慮人為飼養釋放本蟲,以擴增田間密度,達到防治目的。另行引入耐高溫環境之蟲系,亦有可能改變目前自然發生的葉蚤與長梗滿天星間之關係。


The alligatorweed flea beetle, ”Agasicles hygrophila” Selman & Vogt (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) is monophagous on alligator weed, ”Alternanthera philoxeroides” (Mart.) Griseb.. Both larvae and adults feed on leaves and may cause serious damage on plants when the insect population is high. The flea beetle was reared under standard insectary conditions at 26-27°C, and a 24 hour photoperiod (continuous light). The egg incubation period was about 5 days and the larval developmental time was 12-13 days. The pupal stage was 4-5 days. Average longevity of female adults was 25.3 days, with an average of 258 eggs laid per female. Results of field surveys showed that the flea beetle occurred locally on alligator weed, with higher population densities in spring and autumn. Heavily infested plants became withered and died. High temperatures in the summer was favorable for the growth of alligator weeds but was unfavorable for the development and reproduction of the flea beetle. Although these alligatorweed flea beetles may reduce growth vigor of alligator weed, the natural population of this insect had little functional value for control of this weed due to differences in optimal growth temperature. Mass rearing and field release of the flea beetles may increase population densities for the control purposes. Importation of a heat tolerant strain may also alter the current relationship between the flea beetle and alligator weed.
