  • 期刊

柑橘銹蟎[Phyllocoptruta oleivora (Ashmead)]在三種柑橘上之族群動態與空間分布

Population Dynamic and Spatial Distribution of the Citrus Rust Mite, Phyllocoptruta oleivora (Ashmead), on Three Varieties of Citrus in Taiwan


柑橘銹蟎(Phyllocoptruta oleivora)為柑橘類作物的重要害蟎,以刺吸式口器吸食葉片或果實表皮,嚴重影響果實商品價值。本研究於2016年1-12月,調查柑橘銹蟎於尤利加檸檬('Eureka' lemon)、波斯萊姆('Persian' lime)及茂谷柑('Murcott' tangor)上的田間族群動態與空間分布。結果顯示,3種柑橘品種中,以小果至大果期為柑橘銹蟎族群數量高峰期,且果實為銹蟎主要危害對象,老葉次之,新葉上的蟎數顯著較少。葉片上,又以葉背蟎數多於葉面。果樹不同方位發生的蟎數間,無明顯差異。此外,5-10月的柑橘銹蟎密度極低,降雨量與降雨頻度為影響柑橘銹蟎田間族群密度的關鍵因子。空間分布分析上,分散指數(index of dispersion)、平均擁擠度(Lloyd's index of mean crowding)及聚集指數(Lloyd's index of patchiness)皆顯示,柑橘銹蟎族群一般呈現聚集型分布,惟密度極低時則轉為均勻型或逢機型分布。


The citrus rust mite, Phyllocoptruta oleivora (Ashmead), is a major pest of citrus plants in Taiwan. Citrus rust mites feed on leaves and fruit surfaces, significantly affecting the quality of citrus products. The present study investigated the field population dynamics and spatial distribution of citrus rust mites on 'Eureka' lemons, 'Persian' limes, and 'Murcott' tangors from January to December in 2016. Study results regarding the three varieties of citrus plants showed that citrus rust mite populations reached the highest density during fruit growing periods. Fruits suffered the highest density of mite infestations and followed by mature leaves, and young leaves suffered the least damage. The number of citrus rust mites on the lower surface of leaves were higher than that on the upper surface of leaves. The direction of fruits growing on citrus plants did not significantly affect the number of citrus rust mites population. Rainfall and precipitation frequency may be one of the key factors causing low density of mites from May to October. Three indices (index of dispersion, Lloyd's index of mean crowding and Lloyd's index of patchiness) used to identify the spatial distribution pattern of citrus rust mites all indicated contagious patterns of spatial distribution except when mite density was very low, the distribution patterns became regular or random.
