  • 期刊


Selection of Heat Tolerant Chinese Kale Cultivar


本研究在高溫環境下評估芥藍品種之耐熱性,並利用葉綠素計讀值、葉綠素螢光及電解質滲漏率評估作為耐熱性生理指標之應用性,以期選育出耐熱、品質佳、豐產之芥藍新品種。在生長箱日夜溫度35℃/30℃之處理下,32個芥藍品系中,初步篩選出編號16-1219及16-1223之soil and plant analyzer development(SPAD)值在30以上、電解質滲漏率在50%以下及萎凋指數在65%以下,屬於較耐熱的品系。在20個芥藍品系田間試驗中,初步篩選出16-1214及16-1221,具有株型直立、葉片為尖葉形、分枝生長較強且葉基部葉片生長較稀疏等特性,歸屬較耐熱的品系。所篩選出耐熱的品系,未來可供作雜交親本。6個芥藍品種(系)苗期梯溫箱內比較試驗,SPAD、maximal quantum efficiency of PSII(Fv/Fm)及電解質滲漏率等3個耐熱指標以「鳳山1號」、「藍星」及「黑馬」品種(系)的耐熱性較好。


芥藍 耐熱 選育


This research is to evaluate heat tolerance in Chinese kale for the purpose of new variety selection. The physiological indices under high temperature conditions, such as soil and plant analyzer development (SPAD), maximal quantum efficiency of PSII (Fv/Fm) and electrical conductivity (EC) value, were investigated for heat tolerance selection in addition to high quality and high yield. In the growth chamber of day/night temperature 35℃/30℃, thirty-two Chinese kale lines were screened. Two lines, numbers 16-1219 and 16-1223, were selected with SPAD value above 30, EC value lower than 50%, and withering index lower than 65%. In field trials, numbers 16-1214 and 16-1221 were screened out from twenty lines with erect plant type, leaf tip leaves, stronger branches and leaves and sparse leaf at the base. They expressed heat tolerant traits and can be used as hybrid parent in future breeding program. The results of three heat-resistance indices, SPAD, Fv/Fm and EC value, were tested for six varieties of Chinese kale in growth chamber. Varieties 'Fengshan No. 1', 'Lan Xing' and 'Hei Ma' were found more superior in heat tolerance performance than other cultivars/lines.


Chinese kale Heat tolerant Selection

