  • 期刊


Localization in the Transformation of Taiwan's Wuji Troupe




藝陣 全球化 雜技 新馬戲


There are many kinds of folk art parade performances arranged by various troupes in Taiwan today. Each displays its own characteristics, allowing viewers to understand Taiwan's local art culture. The purposes of this study were to explore the innovative ideas of the Wuji Troupe, and to understand how aspects of their work are transformed through localized features and marketing to please their audience. This study employed observation and interviewed to analyze the relationship matrix between layout, style, and props usage within the works of the Taichung Wuji Troupe, and its expression under the guiding principle of transformation through localization. The analysis has shown that the Wuji Troupe illustrates the transformation of folk art parades in recent years. Aligned with the spirit of globalization, their uniquely expressive techniques draw on the past of folk art parades plus various performance arts, such as acrobatics and new circus, to create a brand new style that rejuvenates the meaning of the folk art parades. Through these innovative transformations, the Wuji Troupe's works have not only stimulated a younger audience to inherit traditional folk art parades in temple fairs and understand their cultural implications, but have also evolved into a new performance type which has gradually become mainstream.


folk art parade globalization acrobatics new circus


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