  • 期刊


Physiological Mechanisms Between Sedentary Behavior and Obesity/Cardiovascular Diseases




Sedentary behavior is an emerging behavioral risk factor for health in the 21st century. Although research has shown that a sedentary lifestyle is related to an increased risk of mortality and non-communicable diseases, only a limited number of studies have introduced the possible underlying causal mechanisms through which sedentary behavior contributes to cardiovascular diseases (CVD) or obesity. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to conduct a literature review examining the physiological mechanisms between sedentary behavior and obesity or CVD. The results of laboratory studies indicate that the physiological responses of sedentary behavior include changes in blood sugar, insulin, triglyceride, and blood velocity. One possible explanation for the positive association between prolonged sedentary behavior and obesity is that it contributes to the increase in levels of the hormone which can stimulate appetite and thus increase caloric intake. Sedentary behavior is also characterized as a low energy expenditure behavior; therefore, it is possible that decreased energy expenditure and increased energy intake may increase the incidence of obesity. Moreover, prolonged sedentary behavior causes blood stasis, low blood volume, inflammation, endothelial dysfunction, and increased cardiovascular disease risk. Given that the major causes of mortality in Taiwan are related to obesity and chronic diseases, it is important to develop effective strategies for reducing the negative impacts of sedentary behavior. These could also inform public health initiatives.


blood sugar insulin triglyceride blood velocity hormone


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