  • 期刊


Chinese Political thought Studies in Taiwan (1945-2008): The Four Generations and Their Pattern-Professor Sun, Kuang-De


「包含兩岸在內的大中華世界,其三、四千年以來政治思想的特色爲何?」臺灣曾有許多學者,在光復以後六十多年來做過無數的探討。本文將成千上萬學者,依時序分爲四個世代,並挑出代表該世代之數十位,以本文的一半篇幅加以簡介,俾建構各自的特色。 再以另一半篇幅,挑選足以代表光復這六十多年的一位學者:孫廣德,作爲範式,以深度分析這一甲子當中,臺灣在此領域的主要貢獻。作者在本文,以政治學關於「統治」的幾組變項,系統證明專研中國政治思想史至今已一甲子以上的孫教授,其研究與創作,足以作爲臺灣地區研究此一領域的代表;而他對中國政治思想從封建,經君主,到民主變遷的觀察,也有許多超越前人的發現與論述。 進入二十世紀之後,處在大革命之下的中國,特別是西化與基督教化最深的臺灣,人民似乎不再奉行從封建時代開始,流行至少三千年的「民本」思想,而改採「民主」。但是,縱看中國歷代文獻與史乘十餘次、橫剖各代人物數十回的孫教授,卻有不同的看法。 在其所評介的中國政治思想史兩三千年的的大傳統裡,吾人見到對「民本」的一再強調,卻見不到中國歷代以來的菁英肯定民主政治。因此,他雖然介紹近現代民主,並肯定民主在中國現代史上的存在與必然,但也客觀地告訴世人:中國在秦以前,並無皇帝專制,而且思想自由;於秦至清代的二千一百三十二年中,強調皇權統治需以民爲本;他更在民國八十一年發乎讜論,提醒學者們:「民主」也只是「政治神話(political myth)」的一種。


Taiwan, as a part of the Chinese land in the recorded history, was open to the Western world in the Great Navigation Period from 4 centuries ago under the name of Formosa. The political thoughts of Western Christianity as well as the Indian Buddhism, and Chinese Confucianism & Taoism did play important roles influencing Chinese thinkers in the past. They all together had formed many rich and special styles that made the studies of them a tough job. There have been numerous scholars, however, devoted their energies discovering the nature of them in Taiwan since her restoration to China 1945 to 2008. That four generations can be told was discovered by the author in this article in which a special background of Christian Western democracy in the Taiwanese political thought was acknowledged and placed in mind for evaluation. The article discovered that from the last four generations of the studies, an overwhelming trend of the Chinese traditional 'demo fundamentalism (民本)' has its deep and common roots in the mind of the three thousand years thinkers. And Professor Sun Kwang-De was patterned to represent and describe in depth the fact of this difference from the Western thinkers who all conclude the indispensability of 'demo-cracy (民主)'. Professor Sun Kwang-De was aware of it and made his most important speech to remind the world that, based on his understanding of the long tradition of the Chinese political thought, democracy is nothing but also a kind of political myth. This article tells the details of his reasons, as well as a general introduction of the four generations in Taiwan.


John King Fairbank(1986).The Great Chinese Revolution.New Haven:Harper& Row.
