  • 期刊

Cryptocoryne joshanii (Araceae), a new species serendipitously discovered in Sulu archipelago, Philippines


A new species, Cryptocoryne joshanii Naive & Villanueva, from the island of Basilan, Philippines, is herein described and illustrated. It is comparable to C. usteriana, but differs significantly in having lanceolate leaves, acicular, outwardly recurved, purplish red stigmas and an erect spathe limb. Information on the geographical distribution, ecological data, phenology and conservation status as well as an identification key to the Philippine Crytocoryne species are provided.


Wongso, S., I.B. Ipor, C.S. Tawan, H. Budianto, J.D. Bastmeijer and N. Jacobsen. 2016. Cryptocoryne aura (Araceae), a new species from West Kalimantan, Indonesia. Willdenowia 46(2): 275-282.
Bastmeijer, J.D. 2017. The crypts pages. http://crypts.home.xs4all.nl/Cryptocoryne/index. (Accessed 30 October 2017).
Bastmeijer, J.D. and P. van Wijngaarden. 1999. Cryptocoryne coronata Bastmeijer & van Wijngaarden spec. nov. (Araceae), eine neue Art von den Philippinen. Aqua Planta 24(1): 23-28.
Beentje, H. 2016. The Kew Plant Glossary, an illustrated dictionary of plant terms (Second edition). Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew: Kew Publishing. 184 pp.
Engler, A. 1916. Cryptocoryne usteriana Engler n.sp. Bot.Jb. 54, Beiblatt z d Bot. Jb., Nr 118: 125.


NAIVE, M. A. K., DUHAYLUNGSOD, A. B., & JACOBSEN, N. (2023). Discovery through citizen science II: Cryptocoryne vinzelii (Araceae), a new species of water trumpet from Basilan Island, Philippines. TAIWANIA, 68(3), 294-297. https://doi.org/10.6165/tai.2023.68.294
