  • 期刊


Using Mini-CEX to Evaluate Teaching Results and Promote Pharmacy Service


目的:本院運用示範教學模式輔以Mini-CEX評量,確認「住院病人warfarin用藥指導」教學成效,同時追蹤服務成效,結合於推動此項藥事服務,本文期望以此模式與同儕交流。推動過程:實務面結合教學方法與行政措施,並以推動開始一年期間階段性追蹤服務成效、接續擬定評量方法以檢視教學成果。方法: 實務面結合教學方法與行政措施,並以推動開始一年期間階段性追蹤服務成效、接續擬定評量方法以檢視教學成果。結果:民國97年5月至民國98年4月為期一年的資料,200位完成前後測之病人,經由藥師逐一指導後對於warfarin相關認知程度明顯提升(各題回答正確人數比例由16.5~24.5%提升為92.0~99.5%);教學方面,則自民國99年6月啟用Mini-CEX評量至民國102年8月止,包括27位藥學實習生及20位新領證(Postgraduate year, PGY)藥師,均通過Mini-CEX評量,顯示學習成效良好。結論:為有效推動藥事作業,檢視既有的基礎之後,結合適當的教學方法以傳承經驗,培訓稱職的藥師以執行用藥指導,並以行政措施配合宣導、獎勵及追蹤,此模式可套於各項藥事服務之推展。


Objective: In the unit of "pharmacy service on warfarin for in-patients education," we apply teaching program by demonstrations of senior experienced pharmacists to share the attitude and critical point during communication with patients, and then evaluate using Mini-CEX to check the learning results. Methods: Combine teaching program and administrative policy to promote pharmacy service, and then follow up the results continuously. Results: 1. From May 2008 to April 2009, 200 in-patients were accepted the service program and completed the pre-test and after-test, the cognition about warfarin improved obviously (correct answer rate from 16.5 ~ 24.5% to 92.0 ~ 99.5%). 2. During June 2010 and August 2013, 27 pharmacy students and 20 postgraduate year (PGY) pharmacists were evaluated with Mini- CEX, and all of them were passed the Mini-CEX. Conclusions: In order to promote pharmacy service, we need appropriate teaching program to expand competent pharmacists and also the administrative policy. Based on the results, this warfarin teaching program is good for pharmacy services promotion.
