  • 期刊


Importance of Establishing Medication Safety for the Elderly: A Public Health Perspective




With the prolongation of life expectancy, interest in health-related issues has been gradually increasing. Chronic illness care for the elderly and related medication safety issues have become an important aspect in maintaining patient safety. Owing to the degeneration of the physiological function, the elderly tend to have multiple chronic diseases at the same time; therefore, polypharmacy is common among them. However, polypharmacy can easily cause drug-drug interactions, which can further cause adverse drug reactions (ADRs). Studies have found that when taking 1 or 2 drugs, the rate of ADRs is 5.6-10.0%, whereas, when taking 9 or more, the rate would increase up to 41%, and also lead to being bed-ridden, increased mortality and unnecessary medical cost. Therefore, medication safety has become a big issue in the preventive medicine of the elderly. Using the concepts of public health and disease prevention, this article carried out literature review targeting research that discussed the present situation, behavior and cognitive attitude of drug use in the domestic elderly population. Furthermore, it also introduces the three levels and five stages of preventive medicine which focuses on public medication safety. In addition, medication safety related health education and pharmaceutical care are targeted to explain the objectives and importance of preliminary and secondary prevention in the maintenance of medication safety among the elderly. It is hoped that all pharmacists, whether in medical institutions, community pharmacies or other health care institutes, can focus on patient welfare and ensure the medication safety of the public when offering pharmaceutical services to both the public and medical professionals.
