  • 期刊


Rethinking Ecological Perspectives: The Relational Network between Human and Non-human in Indigenous Social Work in Taiwan




The article is concerned the development of Indigenous Social Work theory related to Cultural Care in Taiwan. Based on discourses on the starting point, such as cultural competence, cultural safety, cultural translation, cultural sovereignty and historical trauma, this abstract aims at creating a dialogue with an ecological approach and social work perspective while dealing with problem solving. Currently, social workers seeking an understanding of persons' situations are focusing on the relationship between human and human, or with an interest in environmental trauma affected by climate change. This paper is rises above these concerns to explore the relationship network between human and non-human via an indigenous worldview, and also aims to achieve a coexistence ecological system approach to cross-species care and co-work. The practical field example is millet as a non-human species to create a relational recovery and connection from the indigenous point of view of ecological perspective discourse. The purposes of the theoretical thinking are to enhance the indigenous cultural logic and life value in the process of social work practice, as well as to explore cross-species care by rethinking ecological perspectives.


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