  • 期刊


Affecting Factors of Doctor's Reputation and their Relation with Word of Mouth (WOM)-A Case in Hospital Staffs


目的:本研究以醫師之服務態度、醫術、醫德為醫師聲望的衡量因素,進一步探討聲望對口碑推薦意願之影響。方法:本研究以南部某醫學中心內部員工(護理、技術及行政人員)為研究對象,採問卷調查法,收集有效問卷296份,且以SPSS 22.0及AMOS 21.0進行潛在變數間敘述性統計、信效度分析、結構模型分析及SEM結構方程模式適配度檢驗。結果:綜整得醫師服務態度、醫術、醫德皆與醫師聲望具正向影響;而且醫師聲望對口碑傳播意願亦具正向影響。其中又以醫術最受重視,其次為服務態度及醫德。結論:由結果得知員工會因為醫師之服務態度、醫術、醫德優劣而正向影響其聲望,並推薦給有就醫需求的病患,達口碑傳播效果,進而提高醫院形象。


服務態度 醫術 醫德 聲望 口碑傳播


Objectives: This study discussed the influences of doctors' service attitude, medical skills and medical ethics on their reputation. In particular, it aims to explore whether doctors' good reputation enhances staff willingness to spread good word of mouth. Methods: This research was a perspective study that enrolled participants from hospital staffs at a medical center of southern Taiwan, including nurses, medical professionals and administrative specialists, and total 296 valid questionnaires were collected. In data analysis, SPSS22.0 and AMOS software tools were descriptive statistics and reliability analysis, goodness-of-fit for measurement model, structure model analysis and structural equation model between the latent variables. Results: Evidence suggests that doctors' reputation is related to their service attitude, medical skills and medical ethics. Conclusions: Among them, medical skills are most important, followed by service attitude and medical ethics. Also, hospital staffs willingness to recommend doctors, or to spread good word of mouth is positively affected by their perceived doctor's reputation.


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