  • 期刊


The Trail of Compensation System on New Employee at a Private University Hospital


本文中某私立醫學大學附設之醫院組織,配合該校依教育部敘薪辦法採類似公立機構的薪資架構,各職類(非醫師)員工之任用以“學歷”起敘薪級,近年來面臨醫療政策與環境改變,已產生醫院財務與員工生產力不均之現象,管理者希能提出策略性的薪酬制度以調整高漲之人事費。本研究蒐集相關文獻及官方統計(包括行政院主計處及勞委會薪資與生產力資料),參酌行政院國科會助理人員酬金支給標準,經由分析近五年個案醫院其附加價值率、用人費率之變化及全國失業率升高之況來修訂薪資制度。評估新制產生的效益,經簡易試算此一新聘職員工(非醫師)職務敘薪制度與舊制之差異,以89年各職類的人力流動及增補員額概況推估年度之人事費,顯示可節省之人事成本加上院方負擔之二次給付約$一、二六八、○○○元。 本文目的在避免新任員工薪資比舊人高的現象,且在新聘人員起薪已合乎業界行情下採「職務」基礎的敘薪制度,以符「同工同酬」精神。未來擬朝「績效導向」薪資改革,以彌補「年資本位」之缺憾,此一成果期能提供醫療同業之參考。


薪資 薪酬制度


The salary of non-physician employee in a private university hospital generally followed the government system according to the education level, Recently, the medical insurance policies and competitive circumstance having changed, financial affairs is increed1y unbalanced with employee's output. In order to handle the rising expenses on personnel, concern the unemployed rate up to 3.4% in 2000 and compare the salary level to the exterior market, this article bases on the source material of Department of Budget, Accounting and Statistics, Council of Labor Affairs, National Science Council, and analysis of the case's related salary trend in this five years to design a new compensation system which focuses on true level of work position to fit with so called ”equal pay for equal work” and attempts to avoid new employee's pay being higher than older. The result of probable benefit with the saving cost in this new system is $1,268,000 including non-wage expenditure.


Salary Compensation System
